Accretive Health Care is the collection agency that has been all over the papers lately. They placed debt collectors in hospitals to collect money from consumers. You think that is low? Just wait. The Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson just leveled new charges at Accretive. She has alleged that:

  • An Accretive collector told a man lying on a gurney, while connected to an IV, that he had to pay before he saw a doctor.
  • A doctor repeatedly chased a collector out of an emergency room.
  • An Accretive collector told a woman who was leaving a hospital with her new baby that she had to pay $800 for the delivery or the newborn wouldn’t be discharged, even though insurance would cover the costs.

Ms. Swanson has also accused Accretive of consumer fraud for collecting money from consumers in hospitals without knowing what procedures they needed and often overcharging them.


Moral of the Story – Debt collectors are out of control today. They victimize people in new ways that you cannot imagine. You don’t have to be a victim. You can fight back under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

If you have been victimized by a debt collector or have items on your credit report that are incorrect, call or email Attorney Gary Nitzkin for a free consultation toll free at (888) 293-2882. For more information about your rights as a consumer, visit our website at, which is filled with informative videos and advice to help consumers. Michigan Consumer Credit Lawyers is here for you.